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Health & Safety

Health Safety Program on Canadian Worker Compensation Board

Cantel realizes the significance of its employee’s safety and health, which is why we adhere to all the standard regulations and rules laid down by GoC board for the telecommunication sector. These health and safety policies are built to maintain a healthy, and safe environment at workplace for the benefit of both; employers and employees. Cantel is proud to have instilled all these for regulations amongst its organization to build a strong relationship with its workers

Listed below are the mandatory health and safety measures,
needed to be exercised by both the employees and employers:


It is crucial for employees to be aware of their significance to pertain and adhere to all the necessary precautionary steps, to avoid and prevent any injuries and diseases. They need to work in compliance with the regulations set forward by the company and GoC board to ensure a healthy atmosphere at their workplace and amongst their mates.

According to Canada Labour Code (CLC) the employees have the following rights

  • Employees are obligated to adhere to health and safety measures concerning them and their work mates.
  • Employees are given special rights if they are pregnant or nursing.
  • Employees have right to be aware of, accept or refuse to work in risky scenarios.

Canadian Employee Rights

No. 1

Right to Know

Employees are bestowed with the right to be fully aware, and be informed of the hazards or risks their designation or work place may entail. Employers should refrain from withholding any information regarding the employee’s health and safety measures. It is also obligated upon the employer to provide the employee with all the adequate training and information to safeguard their health and safety.

No. 2

Right to participate

In compliance with the workplace health and safety program, employees are permitted to study and amend work specific health and safety affairs. Furthermore, for large enterprises which comprise of more than 300 hundred employees, organizations are enforced to set up a designated team to overlook and manage health and safety policies for the whole firm.

No. 3

Right to say no or refuse

Employees have the right to refuse, if their reason of refusal falls within the following rules:
– The environment poses a threat to their safety and health.
– Equipment or machines used are dangerous.
– The task at hand is hazardous for them and their peers

Canadian Employee Rights

Employees must use the equipment, clothing and materials provided by the employer for their safety from any injuries or hazards.

Work in compliance with all the health and safety procedures dictated by the employer.

Employees must follow all recommended precautionary instructions given by their employers.

Employees are urged to report to their employers promptly, if employees foresee or detect any issue, risks or hazards in their environment.

Employees must have a flexible attitude and should cooperate with the employer.

Employees must exercise all, written and oral health and safety rules of their workplace.

Inform your employer of any accidents, injuries or health hazards that you were exposed to during your task.

Employers Responsibilities Pertaining to Workplace Health and Safety

Employers should adhere to all the laws and regulations of Canada Labour Code, to ensure a healthy and safe environment at their infrastructure. This aids in increased productivity, and builds trust between the employees and employers.

In order to accomplish this, employers must provide their employees with necessary instructions, training, equipment, directions and material needed to follow the company’s health and safety rules.

For large enterprises, it is eminent for their health and safety departments to comprehend and implement their responsibilities when meetings are conducted, during monthly inspections, and when investigations for job hazards are being carried out.

Information, Supervision and Training—What Employers Need to Know?

For employees to perform their designated task safely, employers are required to provide them with the following adequate instructions, supervision and training:

  • Brief the employees thoroughly about the safety procedures of the workplace
  • Give necessary and complete instructions and guidance, regarding the usage of the company’s equipment and tools in accordance to their safety.
  • Employers should educate the employees to watch out for signs for any workplace related hazards.
  • Timely training should be given to the employees

Employers Investigations

Amongst many rules that the Canada Labour Code mandates for employers, carrying out proper and thorough investigations, in relation to their employees concern, complain, or injury is one of the most prominent rule. Employers are accountable for the safety of their employees within their workplace. Thus, this policy is only in the best interest of the employers.

Regular Inspections

Inspections are crucial to prevent any unfortunate accidents or injuries within the workplace. Hence, regular inspections are obligatory for employers to look after their employees’ safety, and maintain a healthy atmosphere in their organization. According to the policies, the health and safety committee in the workplace should carry out these inspections monthly to minimize the chances of any hazardous activity. In scenarios where hazards are detected, the committee is responsible to forward the information to their employers. He then ensures to resolve the matter with agility, to prevent any catastrophes.

Accident Reporting and Investigations

There are time even after vigorous inspections sometimes some hazards are left undetected, which then lead to accidents or injuries. In such cases, full investigation and reporting is critical to prevent from such accidents to happen in the future. Precisely why employers are responsible for providing written investigation reports, about temporary or permanently disabling injuries caused to the employee, to the Labour Program within the span of 24 hours.

Due to the aforementioned rules and regulation the Government of Canada has ensured a safe and healthy operational work environment for the benefit of both the employers and employees. Cantel Telecommunication is proud to declare, it has worked in the telecommunication industry for more than a decade in compliance with the said rules and regulations. Adhering to all necessary precautionary procedures and safety standards. Thus, prioritizing its workers health and safety.

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