Hydro excavation, also known as suction excavator or vacuum excavator, is the process of moving or eradicating soil with coerced water. To move the debris or soil to a debris bank, an air vacuum is then used. This process enables a more accurate and hapless excavation of soil and find underground utilities. Hydro trucks are safe and secure for unravelling the top layer from buried services. Hydro trucks are designed to dig in to all kinds of soils and clay. Hand digging is extremely hard and time taking as compared to Hydro excavation.
This new technology is mechanical, which works to eradicate the soil in a controlled and non-destructive manner. The pressurized water digs into the ground, once it makes it way through the soil, the vacuum starts sucking the soil and transfer it to a debris tank. This method provides quick results in less time, saving time and cost. Thus, making this a cost-effective solution in contrast to the conventional methods.