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Voice over Internet Protocols

Cantel provide the VOIP services

A Voice over Internet Protocol or VoIP allows you to make voice calls through a broadband connection rather than an analog phone line. Over the past decade, VoIP usage has dramatically increased throughout the world. Canada has been no exception. Both the residential and commercial sector in the country are widely using this technology for communication purposes.

But what is so great about this technology, and why is it getting so much attention?

Well, on the top of our heads, it doesn’t require any on-site equipment; hence, it allows for better space management. Secondly, there is no physical hardware involved, which translates into a massive reduction in repair and maintenance costs. Last but not the least, statistically VoIP is 50%-75% cheaper than any traditional telecom services..

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Installation and Repair

Sometimes your VoIP connection might get disrupted, and the communication might not seem as robust as it should have been. This can happen for several reasons, which primarily include:

– faulty wiring and cable
– outdated protocol integrated

Here are some of the ways we, at Cantel Technologies, carry out VoIP installation and repair!

VoIP systems require on-site testing to make sure that your phone calls are always prioritised over the network. We use advanced testing tools for VoIP that send simulated calls over the entire network.

Calling issues in VoIP present themselves over time. For their resolution, we use advanced tools for monitoring the performance and resolving intermittent troubles ensuring uninterrupted communication.

Wireless VoIP Networks

VoIP and wireless systems do not complement each other as they should. Everyone loves a great Wi-Fi connection, but VoIP is too sensitive to jitters and latency. If it gets misconfigured, latency issues and jitters are most likely to occur.

At Cantel Technologies, we use state-of-the-art tools and equipment that ensure your network performance is always at its peak and suffers no such lags.