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Fiber Optic Communication and Its Impact on Different Industries

We are amidst a technological revolution, one that is dominated by the need for faster internet, better bandwidth and low latency; and it seems to be that fiber is leading the way. The fiber optic revolution, as some are calling it, is having a remarkable impact on technology, numerous sectors, and our everyday lives. Fiber optic has enabled us to transmit massive quantities of high-definition information at the ‘blink of an eye’ speeds, with improved security.

The high-speed communication backed by higher bandwidth and quicker speeds has increased the rate of advancements and innovations across every industry. Equipped with the power streaming videos in real-time and rapid downloads, we are communicating with one another in ways that we have never been able to before now.

 In this article, we will discuss the remarkable transformation of communication caused by fiber technology, as well as evaluated its impact on different industries:

The ‘Then’ And ‘Now’ Of Fiber Communications

When we talk about Fiber optics, the common perception is that the concept of thin fibers made of glass is new and came about just recently. However, some experts believe that the basic idea of fiber technology has its roots in Early Rome.

Then in the 1800s, scientists John Tyndall, Alexander Graham Bell, and William Wheeler came up with the idea of transmitting data at the speed of light through glass fibers. Later, researchers Robert Maurer, Donald Keck, and Peter Schultz finally created the first version of fiber optic wires, and they also discovered that a single fiber wire has the ability to transmit 65,000 times as much information as copper wire.

The most significant boost for the fiber technology came when the U.S. government used fiber optics to link computers at US NORAD headquarters. Since then the fiber technology has grown at a steady pace and is currently going through a phase of tremendous growth with rapid adoption by governments, businesses, and home users through FTTH.

A recent report by Grand View Research, Inc. estimates that the global optical fiber market will grow exponentially to reach USD 9.1 billion by 2025.

Our fiber optic network installation experts believe that the recent fiber optic boom is in major part due to the move from LANs (Local Area Networks) to WAN (wide area networking). Fiber communication and internet services have surpassed the performance of DSL and broadband.

Fiber is more secure and easy to repair. It is also much faster and has better stability, which is something the current market demands.

Fiber Communication’s Impact on Different Industries

Fiber optics has revolutionized communication in a large of number industries, including:


The greatest advancement in the healthcare sector due to fiber technology is the highly flexible and controllable fiber optic apparatuses used for non-surgical endoscopy procedures. The instruments using fiber optics can easily gain access to cavities and other areas of the body.


Fiber optic technology has been used to develop innovative solutions for water management.  Sensors for monitoring of underground water levels, water quality, as well as the health of water pipelines are being used.


Fiber optics networks in schools allow students to learn, educate, and communicate more effectively in and out of school.


pervinder khangura

Author pervinder khangura

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