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Hydro-excavation is an excavation technique combining the suction power of a vacuum and water pressure. It is generally done using a suitable vacuum truck. The latter propels a water jet under high pressure, which digs into the ground, while its vacuum immediately sucks up all the loose earth. Hydro-excavation can be used in various situations such as the verification and maintenance of underground pipes, infrastructure often managed by municipalities. See precisely why many municipalities choose hydro-excavation rather than traditional excavation for work that requires digging the ground.

Hydro-Excavation Minimizes the Risk of Damaging Underground Municipal Infrastructure

Unlike the metal shovels and claws used in traditional excavation, the high-pressure water from hydro-excavation does not damage coaxial cables, pipes, or other public network installations. As knowing what is hidden under the surface is not always obvious, it is more prudent for municipalities to opt for hydro-excavation and thus avoid damaging existing underground infrastructures.

A Cleaner Job Site Thanks to Hydro-Excavation

In traditional excavation methods, the accuracy of tools such as power shovels sometimes leaves something desired, resulting in more soil being moved and retained on site. In addition, this heavy equipment can leave traces on the ground. Hydro-excavation equipment digs with near-surgical precision and removes debris from the terrain as it goes.

A Less Risky Excavation Procedure for Municipal Workers

Hydro-excavation is a process that allows the soil to be excavated without workers having to slip inside the trench. It can also be carried out in areas where an excavator cannot go safely. In addition, since the equipment needed for the work can be placed at a certain distance from the excavated area, there is less traffic and congestion on the site. It is important to give clear communication orders before proceeding towards a hydro-excavation work.

Communication on a construction site is essential to progress efficiently and avoid costly delays and errors. The consequences of miscommunication are all too evident at project sites. It is not uncommon for workers to stand idly by because they were not informed of the delay in the delivery of the fittings to be installed. No one bothered to pass on the information. At another site, installation is progressing well on a wall that needed to be moved and, again, no one passed on the information in time, resulting in a waste of personnel and materials. Such delays on site are costly for subcontractors and the main contractor if an adequate communication system has not been set up.

Hydro-Excavation Is an Economical Choice

Hydro-excavation is faster and less labor intensive than the traditional method, making it very cost-effective. Additionally, as the risk of damaging existing underground infrastructure is reduced, there is less chance of incurring additional costs. Since the safety and cleanliness of construction sites and respect for budgets are important issues for municipalities, it is not surprising that they are increasingly prioritizing hydro-excavation during work that requires digging the ground.

We also offer an efficient hydro-excavation service that includes all these advantages. Do not hesitate to contact our team to obtain a quote for hydro-excavation work or to obtain answers to your questions about our service offer adapted to municipalities.

pervinder khangura

Author pervinder khangura

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