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5G, the latest wireless fifth-generation cellular network technology is highly anticipated because it will bring faster speeds of data communication with better reliability and performance. The technology will open doors to new possibilities, including autonomous cars, smart cities, and IoT (Internet of Things).

However, this promising wireless technology will rely significantly on wire infrastructure; this is where fiber optic technology comes in! Optical fiber networks can provide the backhaul infrastructure that can support thousands of devices and reliably transmit large quantities of data generated by the devices connected wirelessly to 5G.

A recent 5G operator survey conducted by the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) published in 2017, reported that 83% of operators believe fiber technology considered to be “very important” for the backhaul section of 5G networks.

In this article, our fiber optic network installation experts will discuss the top 3 reasons why 5G technology will rely on fiber optic networks:

1. Real-Time Data

The biggest advantage of 5G is that it will support Big Data generated by smart appliances and technology, including IoT, which will rely heavily on real-time data collection and transfer. These smart devices and systems connected to 5G, such as autonomous vehicles will be making decisions instantaneously based on the data that they have been collecting. Such systems will heavily depend on low latency and high bandwidth levels to ensure that the data transfer is quick and on time. Fiber technology is most suitable for this purpose due to its unlimited bandwidth potential.

2. Higher Radio Frequencies and Small Cells

When 5G networks have finally introduced the issue of coverage and network bottlenecks is to be expected. However, with time, there will be a need for more small cells and edge computing to eliminate coverage issues as demand increases.

The small-cell deployment will require millimeter wave spectrum, which means the backhaul portion of the network will need fiber that can handle large amounts of data.

It is important to note that 5G will work at higher radio frequencies than existing mobile networks due to the greater amount of data, but the higher frequencies have short ranges, which means the networks will rely on small cells (some experts say about 200 feet apart).

Fiber networks will be able to handle 5G’s increased speeds with lower attenuation. Fiber will also be more secure and unlimited bandwidth potential.

3. Increasing Network Demands

5G will be collecting and transferring data 24/7 from a massive influx of devices including autonomous devices that will connect directly to the 5g network and operate without human assistance, whereas, a significant portion of these devices will be handheld mobile devices that we carry in everyday lives.

5G networks will be facing various demands, which include higher availability with no dead spots, lower latency, and higher bandwidth capabilities.

Fiber networks will play an essential role at the backend by helping 5G networks meet the increasing network demands.

pervinder khangura

Author pervinder khangura

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