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current telecommunication trends


Telecommunications is one of the rapidly growing industries in the world. Due to technological advancements, this industry always stays in the evolving phase: It has started to develop and evolve faster than before. How you see this sector today might not be the same within a few years. All upcoming years will bring numerous changes and advancements in this industry.

In the era of smartphones and digitalization, telecommunication growth is beyond our expectations. We can never imagine how the future will hit us. Who thought a few years ago about the world being a global village through smartphones? Absolutely, no one! But today, it’s reality. Similarly, we can’t imagine what the future looks like.

Before we jump into the future, let’s glance at the current telecommunication trends.

Current Telecommunication Trends

·      5G

The fifth-generation mobile network, known as 5G, is the next telecommunication standard beyond the ongoing 4G standards. All the telecommunication network providers are putting their effort into bringing 5G into reality. Various companies are working in this direction. The 5G technology will boost the speed and efficiency of telecommunication networks.

·      Value-Added Services

There is huge competition among the many companies offering services related to the internet. Each telecommunication business is trying to be the best among its competitors. Therefore, Network providers face huge pressure to provide value-added services.

All are trying to be the best in a race to become Number # 1. Consequently, telecom companies and other network providers collaborate strongly to ensure value-added services.

·      Fixed Wireless Technology

Companies like Google, Verizon, and AT&T have already created fixed wireless technology. Various network providers are looking to ensure this technology in the future. Those days are not far when fixed wireless technology will be part of telecommunication systems.

·      Mergers and Acquisitions

Mergers and acquisitions among telecom companies are ongoing trends in the telecommunication sector. Various companies are merging to ensure more advanced services. Many telecom companies are willing to merge with other companies to enlarge the sphere of their services and ensure new opportunities.

·      Network Security

Network security is one of the priorities of telecom companies nowadays. The data breaching issues that occurred a few years ago have made the companies pay strong attention to network security. Companies are more focused on protection techniques to ensure the data transferred is more protected.

Future Trends of Telecommunication

There are various factors that may bring change in the telecommunication industry. Some of those factors are given below:


Mobile connectivity is rapidly improving, getting better every day. The price of mobile phones and wirelessly connected devices will drop. The days are not far when mobile phones will indeed surpass the landlines. Even the underprivileged population of the world will have easy access to mobile phones. Consequently, being connected will become cheap and easy.


The world has become a global village, and it’s more and more digitalized. People will use more digital technology, and soon the market will become entirely saturated.


The telecom companies are putting their effort into embracing the future with enormous new technologies, high speed, and efficient networking. CANTEL Telecom is willing to add value to the telecom industry with its innovative ideas and value-added services.

pervinder khangura

Author pervinder khangura

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