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The Age of 5G Is Fiber the Real Winner

5G is the biggest talk of the town. From tech-savvy users to businesses, everyone seems to be discussing the future of 5G vs. fiber. Everyone wants to know whether 5G take fiber’s place, or fiber will remain to be the real winner.


5th Generation of Cellular Network

The introduction of cellular networks marked the First Generation in 1990. The first text message marked the Second Generation. The Third Generation was marked with the invention of cell phones via user can access information. The Fourth Generation allowed access to streaming HD videos, 3D television, HD gaming, and other services. Third and Fourth Generation are similar as they both allow access to information; however, 4G is ten times faster than 3G.

Back when 4G was newly introduced, users were fantastic by its speed. With time, the technology has evolved, so as the technology demands; thus, the introduction of 5G has now become necessary. 5th Generation of the Cellular Network is expected to be 200 times faster than the 4th Generation.

However, the real question is whether or not 5G replace fiber? Well, according to IT professionals, 5G will give fiber a tough time, but it will not replace it anywhere near in the future. Following are the top 3 reasons that prove that fiber is here to stay.


Millions and billions of devices are not compatible with the 5G network. Therefore, adapting the 5G network is impossible for those billions of users. On the other hand, fiber does not segregate its users, and all devices come with built-in WiFi. Therefore, you can enjoy fiber’s ultra-fast broadband internet on almost any device with WiFi compatibility, and you wouldn’t have to purchase an entirely new device to adopt fiber.



Fiber is easily accessible because there are multiple fiber service providers that you can easily choose from. Fiber optic installation is also a one-time expense after installation FTTH is a more feasible option than 5G. Fiber internet is also accessible via hotel, restaurant, stores, and various other public places, which means that Fiber’s network has an already established widespread network.

On the other hand, the limited mobile network suppliers will offer 5G paid subscriptions. Therefore, they might charge a higher rate due to insufficient numbers of 5G service providers.


Security is one of the biggest concerns that alarms all types of users, especially businesses and industries that deal with sensitive information. 5G will be new technology. Thus, its security level is still a huge question mark. On the contrary, fiber has proved time and time again that it is the safest option available. Fiber also offers a range of security options that are excellent for adding additional layers of security.

Final Verdict

5G might steal a portion of fiber users; however, there are no apparent chances that fiber will be replaced by 5G. Both the technologies have their pros and cons; yet, fiber has more pros than cons that makes fiber the real winner.

pervinder khangura

Author pervinder khangura

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